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Improved ROI

Our analysis has saved companies on wages, operating costs and product costs while improving the product or experience. We guarantee this with unmatched creative solutions backed by our wealth of experience in running highly successful experiences in customer satisfaction and ROI.

Training and Development

We provide training and development down the chain from management to the actors or hosts of immersive experiences. Just one of our own original experiences ran for 250 weeks. You can be assured our training and development is field tested and proven in guaranteeing the results you are after.

Ideation to Delivery

At any point in your production from creative ideation and marketability to content, delivery, and refinement we can either lead or give support to any part of the process of bringing your experience to life. We have integrated into large companies on short projects and we have produced our own entirely original work.

Package deals

We can produce an original experience for you, alternatively, if you want a proven immersive experience we offer a range of pre-packaged experiences from our creative property that are able to be leased on short contracts. Our range has hundreds of unique 5* reviews and have been revamped for 2024. Great for event inclusions.

More About Us

Our Founder

Cary has over a decade of experience in producing and acting in highly successful immersive experiences in London. He was at the forefront of the emerging immersive movement, using his multidisciplinary education and experience as a professional actor, writer, designer and artist to craft original works for large companies and brands across the hospitality and retail sectors.

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